POST /login
This method performs the login and sends back an authentication token that is required to interact with the rest of the platform.
The session tokens are valid for 24 hours.
Please note: You will need to use your existing Tappecue login credentials.
This should be the username you log into the Tappecue app with - Not your email address
This API platform passes through the authentication details and generates a session token.
Sessions can only be started from the Tappecue mobile app
Standard POST request
username: <Tappecue Username>
password: <Tappecue Password>
curl -d "username=test&password=testpass"
Response (JSON)
Sends back a json object containing an X-Auth-Token which needs to be included in all subsequent requests
"X-Auth-Token": "<UUID>"
This site does not store your password.
I take a cryptographic hash of your password (sha256) and store it temporarily to allow for session durability across multiple logins while the existing session is still active.